"Companioned Prayer is a prayer with a friend that can eventually bring you to the real purpose of your faith, which is an intimate, daily, loving relationship with God. It is a miracle that you will feel taking place within you. It will take time, but it will happen in you."
"Companioned Prayer is a form of personal prayer that can change your relationship to God. I hope everyone can participate in the Companioned Prayer program. It can change your life."
- Bishop Francis Quinn, 2018
Bishop Francis Quinn (9/11/1921 - 3/21/2019) was an enthusiastic supporter of Companioned Prayer. He encouraged the introduction of a Companioned Prayer program at Mercy McMahon Terrace in the Spring of 2018 for himself and the other residents. His health prevented full participation in the three-month, twice-a-week program, but nevertheless he participated when he could, and he was an inspiration to all of us. Bishop Quinn was instantly present to each of us, kind and thoughtful beyond measure, and a happy and witty man. His mind shone from a brilliant depth, and he always had a twinkle in his eyes. It was obvious he loved everyone, and encountered everyone in the Spirit of God.
His statements about Companioned Prayer are typical of his enthusiasm for the practice, and his wish for everyone to grow in the gift of God’s grace though Companioned Prayer. He was especially enthusiastic about the spirituality of companionship through Christ’s loving presence that the prayer offered. Bishop Quinn will be missed by all of us who knew him, and who were encouraged and blessed by him.
For more about the Companioned Prayer program at Mercy McMahon Terrace, see The Prayer in Service page.