Companioned Prayer
Christian Fellowship
Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.
Matthew 18:20
The Companioned Prayer Christian Fellowship

Those of us who have experienced Companioned Prayer are moved by those experiences to share the prayer with others. We find that the prayer is a natural component of our Christian faith, and that our experiences bring us a closeness with the mystery and majesty of our Lord. We have come to know Christ’s awesome personal mercy and grace, and his love and care for us. In response, we offer this prayer to all. It is meant to be practiced as a prayer of Christian faith, encouraging each other to place ourselves within God’s gentle love in this contemplative practice.
The primary purpose of the Companioned Prayer Christian Fellowship, Inc. (CPCF) is to offer Christian churches, communities and ministries encouragement and resources for in their use of Companioned Prayer in their programs and ministries. There is no official membership in the CPCF, and the CPCF does not directly offer its own programs or retreats. All Companioned Prayer programs, instructions, retreats, and prayer groups are offered and administered by churches and religious communities of which they are a part.
However, anyone who practices Companioned Prayer, shares it, or uses it in a ministry can consider themselves informally associated with the CPCF. Likewise, churches and religious communities are free to establish prayer groups and ministries using the terms “Companioned Prayer Christian Fellowship” and “Companioned Prayer” in an informal association with the CPCF under the assumption that the prayer group or ministry will adhere to the principles and practices offered by the CPCF via this website,, under the sponsorship and governance of their church or religious community. "Companioned Prayer" is trademarked by the CPCF, and the CPCF retains the right to revoke an organization's use of the term “Companioned Prayer” if, in the sole opinion of the CPCF, such principles and practices are opposed. The use of the term “Companioned Prayer” by independent organizations, prayer or ministry groups, or others does not signify recognized endorsement by the CPCF, and the CPCF is not responsible for those organizations' actions or practices. Such organizations are independent of the CPCF, and as such are free to create their own programs and practices as they are called upon by their vision and mission and as they are moved by the Holy Spirit, and the CPCF encourages them to do so. The CPCF also encourages these organizations to share successful program ideas and resources with others via the "Submitting Material" section on the Supplemental Resources page of this website.
Companioned Prayer is a prayer. It is not therapy or spiritual counseling. The contents of this CPCF website are not offered as a substitute for professional psychotherapeutic or psychiatric care for those who need it, nor as a substitute for training and licensing in those healthcare or counseling fields. By using this site or any of the material available from it, the user assumes all responsibility and risk for its use. All content and downloads are provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind. In no event shall the CPCF, its officers, board, members, employees or volunteers, or authors of the material posted on the CPCF's website, or hosting or sponsoring organizations, be liable for any compensatory, special, direct, incidental, indirect, consequential damages, exemplary damages, or any damages or injuries whatsoever resulting from the use of this website and its material. In addition, anyone who uses material available from this website agrees to follow all state and national safe environment and accessible regulations and reporting requirements, especially for the protection of children, young adults, and adults with vulnerabilities. For additional guidelines for a safe and accessible environment specific to Companioned Prayer, click here.
Because the structure of Companioned Prayer is delicate and nuanced, and the prayer experience can be easily impaired by subtly inappropriate changes or translations, the CPCF is compelled to protect the integrity of the prayer. That is why the name "Companioned Prayer" in any language is trademarked by the CPCF, even though the CPCF desires to promote the use, adoption and advancement of the prayer as widely as possible. Thus, all translations and changes to the prayer forms in any media must have written approval by the CPCF and are subject to existing copyright law. For information and permissions, the CPCF can be contacted at The prayer offers a unique way to experience God's closeness and love. The CPCF only wishes to ensure that this potential is retained.
The CPCF was founded in July of 2005 by Bill Stobbe, Mark Valentine, and John Ward, of Trinity Episcopal Church, Folsom, California. The CPCF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit religious corporation registered with the California Secretary of State. Current CPCF Directors (board members) and Officers are:
Mary Beth Herritt, Executive Director, Secretary, and parishioner at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, El Dorado Hills, Calif.
Jim Spensley, Director and parishioner at Divine Savior Catholic Church, Orangevale, Calif.
Bill Goeke, Director; Deacon at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Folsom, Calif.
Michelle Hendricks, Director and parishioner at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Folsom, Calif.
Luke Leonard, Director and parishioner at Divine Savior Catholic Church, Orangevale, Calif.
Bill Stobbe, Treasurer and parishioner at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Folsom, Calif.
You can contact the CPCF via email at
The CPCF is supported by the generous donation of time and activities by individuals who form and lead prayer groups and prayer ministries. The CPCF relies on donations from individuals who practice the prayer. To make a donation please see our "Make a Donation" page. Your donations are greatly appreciated. The CPCF is not affiliated with any one Christian denomination.